Hello world!
Thank you for taking the time to visit my website. I'm very excited to begin this new project.
You may have been directed here after learning about my fellowship from The Kresge Foundation. In short, I am extremely humbled and honored to have received the 2018 Kresge Artist Fellowship, awarded by Kresge Arts in Detroit, a program of The Kresge Foundation. With the help of the award funds, I am about to embark on a wide ranging, challenging, engaging, and hopefully enjoyable year of solo and chamber concerts in and around Detroit. I am planning to organize concerts with piano, organ, string quartet, woodwind quintet, piano and percussion, and any other instrumentation that piques my interest.
This blog will serve two functions moving forward:
- Information and anecdotes about these concerts and my Kresge related activities,
- Occasional pedagogic posts about trombone specific topics.
Throughout the 2018-19 season, please check in to see what's new. I'll be adding concert dates, live recordings, and more throughout the year.